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Salt Pans Cuisine 2024 – Saint Bartholomew’s Festival

You are cordially invited to the fourth event of this year's edition of the culinary heritage project “The Salt Pans Cuisine” which will take place on Sunday, the 25th of August 2024, at 10 p.m. in the courtyard by the Church of Saint Bartholomew in Seča.



Traditional Saint Bartholomew’s festival with holly mass and social gathering
Cultural programme in the church’s courtyard: presentation of the project “The Salt Pans Cuisine” and traditional music with Marino Kranjac and Edi Dobrilovich





In the year 2024, the European Heritage Days are dedicated to the heritage of cultural routes, networks and connections. The fifth edition of the Salt Pans Cuisine project is focused on the study, presentation and preparation of dishes related to the culture of living and working in the salt pans.

The next event of the “Salt Pans Cuisine” 2024 will be on the 2nd of October 2 at 6:00 p.m. in Monfort, the former salt warehouse in Portorož.



In joint organization and cooperation of:
the Maritime Museum "Sergej Mašera" Piran, the Self-Governing Community of Italian Nationality Piran with the Community of Italians "Giuseppe Tartini" Piran, the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, the manager of the Sečovlje Salina Nature Park - Soline d.o.o., the ethnographic group “La Famea dei salineri”, the Parish of Sečovlje, the Science and Research Centre Koper, the Muzofil Association, the Slovenian Conservation Society and others.


You are warmly invited!

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