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The Maritime Museum »Sergej Mašera« Piran attempts to improve its collections and wishes to bring its contents as close to the visitors as possible, including people with disabilities. Within the COME-IN! project, the museum's web page was reconstructed as well. The museum's employees attend training session designed to improve interactions with people with disabilities.


Statement on the accessibility of the Maritime Museum Piran’s website (click here)



COME-IN! project

Together with 13 partners from Poland, Germany, Croatia, Austria and Italy, the museum participated in the European COME-IN! project. Its objective was to increase the accessibility of small and middle-sized to the people with disabilities, and to all other visitors.


Our long-term objective is INCLUSION of people with disabilities, which is based on the following inceptions:

•  NOTHING about people with disabilities should HAPPEN without people with disabilities involved;
•  NO to discrimination: people with disabilities should be treated the same as all other people;
•  Respect for dignity and rights of the people with disabilities;
•  Appropriate use of words.

COME-IN! project (click here)







Interreg COME-IN

After the end of the project, the »COME-IN! « project's label will be designed. It is to be received by museums that will carry out their activities in accordance with the standards identified during the three-year project. The idea that these standards would also be introduced by other museums and cultural institutions, could stimulate introduction of changes, where other local protagonists would participate as well. Specifically, accessibility brings advantages to all.




Where are we?

The Maritime Museum »Sergej Mašera« Piran is housed in the centre of Piran in the Gabrielli Palace at Cankarjevo nabrežje 3, a stone's throw away from Tartini Square. The main bus station is located 350 metres away from it, from where you can walk towards the town's nucleus or wait for an accessible minibus, which will take you to Tartini Square. You'll notice the museum building on the bend (right) just before the Square.
Stops of the minibus:

•  Tartini Square
•  Main bus station
•  Fornače parking place (1 and 2)
•  Arze parking place - Antene cemetery (only few times a day)

MINIBUS • TIMETABLE (click here)



Only a limited number of payable parking spaces are available in the immediate vicinity of the museum; disabled people parking card holders are entitled to 80% discount.

TRAFFIC (click here)


Owing to the high occupancy of parking places and traffic jams, people are advised to park either in the Arze parking garage some 700 metres away, or in the Fornače parking garage 1 km away, from where accessible bus will take you free of charge to Tartini Square.



Maritime Museum


The museum entrance is situated right next to the road. In front of the entrance there is a slightly higher step, but a movable wheelchair ramp is available as well. If needed, please contact the receptionist on phone No. +386 5671 0051 or +386 5671 0040, or ring the bell in front of the museum entrance (right).


Box Office

When entering the museum, you will find, on your left, the reception and the museum shop, where entrance is bought. For people with disabilities, museum entry is free and is allowed for guide dogs as well. The reception is accessible to all visitors.


Exhibition halls

All exhibition halls on three museum floors are accessible to all visitors with the lift and wheelchair ramps. On each floor, tactile orientation boards have been set up. Subtitles and texts in braille as well as guide and summaries of the exhibitions are available in Slovenian sign language. More about the museum and its exhibitions can be learned on tactile screens, which have also been installed on first floor. The museum topics on the tactile screen are available in five languages.
Tactile objects are installed in all exhibition halls. In a greater detail, they are presented in explanatory booklets.



The toilet , which is situated on the ground floor, is accessible to all visitors.

For any additional information and help please call telephone No. +386 5671 0051 or  386 5671 0040, or write to e-mail address:


Wheelchair users

Access is enabled for persons with disabilities (staircase platform lift, elevator and movable wheelchair ramps). Wheelchair users can move through the exhibition halls independently; museum staff assistance is needed only on the ground floor.


Blind and partially sighted people

Tactile objects with explanatory booklets in three languages and in braille are also available, as well as magnifying loupes, which can be acquired at the reception. If you wish to learn more about the topics/contents of the museum, you can borrow a guide through it in braille.


Deaf and people with hearing impairment

Summaries of the museum contents in Slovenian sign language as well as a film about museum exhibitions in three languages and Slovenian sign language are also available. Induction loop has been installed in the museum as well.


Persons with intellectual or learning disabilities

Descriptions of separate artefacts are presented in a simple and condensed language; the available 3D copies of objects enable visitors' easier perception of them.





Magnifying loupes for visually impaired people:

Magnifying loupes are available at the reception and in each exhibition hall.


Tactile objects:

Available to blind people are 3D copies of objects they can touch.



The exhibits are briefly presented also in braille.


Tactile orientation boards:

On each floor, tactile orientation boards have been set up for easier orientation of all visitors.


Induction loop:

Induction loop is installed in the museum.


Audio guide:

Audio museum contents are available on tablets in five languages (Slovenian, Italian, English, German and Russian).


Video contents also in Slovenian sign language:

On the first floor, touch screens have been set up, where summaries of museum contents are presented in three languages and Slovenian sign language.





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