Archaeology - Kaštelir, Korte nad Izolo
Kaštelir is situated northwest of the village of Korte. With the desire to protect the fertile soil, the local farmers transformed the slope of Kaštelir into terraces. By doing so, however, they unknowingly destroyed several precious finds. The archaeological research and excavations, carried out at Kaštelir in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s in Kaštelir, were led by Elica Boltin Tome. The initial investigations took place between 1956 and 1957, when the Maritime Museum Sergej Mašera Piran functioned as the City Museum of Piran (renamed the Maritime Museum in 1967).
The discovered small objects were only fragmentarily preserved. After a more detailed subsequent examination of the excavated material, Maša Sakara Sučević ascertained that some archaeological finds from these excavations were dated to the Middle Bronze Age, as well as to the Early Bronze Age and even to the Neolithic.
The archaeological material, represented by a number of imported artefacts, clearly points at well-developed maritime activities and contacts between of the inhabitants along the Adriatic.
In addition to prehistoric finds, Roman-era finds were discovered in trenches in the eastern and western parts of Kaštelir: fragments of handles, mouths, bottoms, walls of Roman amphorae, Roman ceramic oil lamps, glass balsamaria, fragments of Roman roof tiles, iron nails ... Judging by the finds themselves, Elica Boltin believed that this was a grave pit dug in a layer of flysch, as some fragments of burnt bones were found in its lower part as well as fragments of skeleton and skull in its upper part.
The Maritime Museum Sergej Mašera Piran houses few more artefacts randomly excavated at Kaštelir after 2005, but the majority of the finds excavated there after 2010 are held by the Regional Museum Koper.