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In blue and white – Navy uniforms from the collection of the Maritime Museum "Sergej Mašera" Piran

Bogdana Marinac


Published by: Pomorski muzej-Museo del mare "Sergej Mašera" Piran-Pirano, Piran, 2003


The uniforms introduced in the Navy in the 17th century greatly influenced, together with  various regulations related to them, the way of life of men serving in the Navy. The Habsburg Empire began to introduce them in the eastern Adriatic during the second half of the 18th century. Later on, however, a series of pieces of clothing for mariners of different professions and ranks and uniforms for various occasions were prescribed for the Navies. In merchant navies, uniforms were compulsory primarily on passenger ships and in port services, where fewer types of uniforms were prescribed and where regulations were not as strict and exact as in the Navies. On cargo ships, they were worn only occasionally.

The book provides an overview of uniforms and clothing culture in the Navies and merchant navies along the eastern Adriatic coast, in which served numerous men from the Slovene ethnic territory from the period of the Habsburg Monarchy to the eatly 21st century. It calls our attention to the importance of uniforms prescribed for the navies and mariners and the mariners’ attitude to them. At the same time, the book presents a very rich collection of naval uniforms that the Maritime Museum Sergej Mašera can be rightly proud of. It contains mainly uniforms worn by mariners from the Slovene ethnic area in different navies. As the uniforms eloquently speak about seafarers, apart from navies, their sizes and structures, we can use them to monitor with their aid the particular careers of individual seafarers and their collective life stories.


Descriiption: 119 p. : illustr. ; 30 cm


The book is written in slovenian language. Summary are in italian and english  language.


Price: 10,00 €

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