Maritime Days 2025
On Wednesday, 5 March, on the occasion of this year's Maritime Day, Dr Nadja Terčon, Museum Councillor from the Maritime Museum Piran, presented in the House of the Sea – Izolana the maritime past of Izola and its maritime heritage in front of a large audience.
With her narrative she updated, in the context of some records from the Maritime Resolution adopted on 7 March 1991, the current state of fisheries and maritime cultural heritage. With photographs and archival documents, she depicted the time when life in Izola was governed by fisheries, maritime affairs, fish processing industry and shipbuilding. These conditions shaped both the economic image of the town and the way of life of numerous families working in these branches of industry.
Dr Terčon also called attention to other significant maritime heritage of Izola: the Roman ports in Simon Bay and at Viližan, the map of Istria from 1525 and Portolano in the Piran Code by Pietro Coppo, the remains of the large ocean-going passenger ship Rex, shipbuilding and some efforts from the past, the purpose of which was to lay the foundations for a badly needed fishing museum in Izola.