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Kristan Viktor

Quartermaster Officer Viktor Kristan (Šentvid pri Stični 1876 – Ljubljana 1947)



Upon graduating from the Secondary School in Novo mesto, Kristan enrolled at the Military Academy in Vienna, and after finishing his studies there he joined the Navy with the rank of Quartermaster Officer. In 1902 in 1903 he sailed in the Mediterranean on board the corvette Frunsberg, and between 1907 and 1909 on board the torpedo boat Leopard as a Naval Adjutant of the 2nd order to East Asia. As a station ship in East Asia, the boat cruised there between several ports in China, Japan and Korea. After returning from the voyage, Kristan remained in the Navy and was promoted in 1917 to Senior Naval Commissioner of the 3rd Order. As Quartermaster Officer he continued his career in the Navy of the Kingdom of SHS, where he was awarded the rank of Colonel in 1926. He retired in 1928.


Bogdana Marinac

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