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Statuette of the goddess Victoria

Inv. No. SS 602

Statuette of the goddess Victoria


♦ The goddess of victory is depicted standing, leaning slightly to the left. She is holding a laurel wreath in her raised right hand, whereas her left hand is resting slightly forward and close to her flank. On her shoulders, her lowered wings are depicted. She is dressed in a long chiton reaching to the ground, making her feet invisible. The upper part of the garment slightly indicates the breasts and oblique folds, with the folds on the lower part of the garment running vertically. Her left leg is pushed forward as if ready to take a step. The head of the goddess is simply structured, the same as her hairstyle, eyes, nose and mouth in relief. The back of the statuette is flat, with no details and with only the contours of the body well emphasized. The statuette was fully cast with a rectangular hollow base. 


♦ Dimensions: height: 7 cm, width: 2.1 cm across the wings, thick 0.2 to 0.4 cm, weight 23.3 g


♦ Site: Izola, St. Simon's Bay, archaeological excavations 1988, stratigraphic unit 14: Quadrant 20.


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