Love Triangle - The Mythical Landscape of the Mislinja Valley
The sacred points in the sacred space of the Mislinja Valley, have been present in the landscape at least since the arrival of the Slavs and were chosen in accordance with the tripartite conception of the gods. For most of these sacred places, we can confirm that they were already in use in prehistoric times and late antiquity.
Interpretive Drawing of the Love Triangle.
Author: Gorazd Koščak
Archaeological confirmation is available for two partly investigated early medieval sites: Puščava nad Starim trgom near Slovenj Gradec (8th and 9th centuries) and St George’s Church in Legen (9th and 10th centuries). Archaeological and ethnological information combines with Slavic mythological tradition and is structurally interwoven with it, bearing witness to the mythical landscape of the past.
Lines running from Puščava towards the churches of St Mary’s and St George’s and the ritual angle between them.
Cartographic source: URL: http//
The Mislinja Valley is more broadly defined by four sacred mountains: Uršlja gora or Plešivec; Turjak above Mislinja; Selovec, the highest point in the north; and the Lovrenška jezera moor, a high-mountain peat bog system in the Pohorje. At the intersection of the lines drawn from these mountains stands the hill of Homec, topped by St Mary’s Church.
The highest point in the mythical landscape is occupied by the supreme god Perun. The second, lower-lying point is occupied by Perun’s enemy Veles, the god of the underworld, depicted as a serpent or a dragon. The third point, also lower lying, is connected to a female deity, Perun’s wife Mokoš. She also appears as the daughter of the Thunderer. As the goddess of fertility, she symbolizes humidity, valleys, night, and death, and, on the other hand, fire, mountain peaks and life (birth). The sacred places of Perun, Veles/George and Mokoš/Mara create a ritual triangle in the landscape.
The Mislinja Valley, view towards the south-east, from St Pancras over Homec towards Turjak.
Photo: Klemen Uršnik
A festive atmosphere at St George’s Church.
Photo: Andrej Gulič
You can see the video in Slovenian language at the link below (click on the image).
Saša Djura Jelenko, Brigita Rajšter
Koroški pokrajinski muzej
Image Gallery and Catalogue of Museum Objects